Generic prizes don’t generate real USA Phone Number List business results. Let me explain. If you give away generic prizes, you’re USA Phone Number List getting people who aren’t in your niche or even interested in your product. These are the kind of people USA Phone Number List who will unsubscribe from your list, or just ignore your messages, once the giveaway is over. With a giveaway, you don’t want to excite everyone with your prizes; you want stuff that appeals precisely to your niche. For example:
Mickey Visit, a site to help plan USA Phone Number List Disneyland vacations, offered a Sully popcorn bucket and 1,509 people USA Phone Number List entered. Eli Constant Books offered a Walking Dead Super Fan Giveaway and more than 1,000 people USA Phone Number List entered. Screenshot showing a walking dead giveaway Weathered Signs offered USA Phone Number List three handmade wooden signs and generated 194 signups. Screenshot showing header for a sweepstakes Three Ways To Find Prizes For Your Giveaway:
And this isn’t a “one-hit wonder”; viral USA Phone Number List giveaways are proven to drive huge results for all kinds of businesses. Ryan Holiday ran a 59 Book giveaway and got 6,144 email subscribers in two weeks. Sumo ran an Ecommerce USA Phone Number List For Life giveaway with a lifetime subscription to an ecommerce platform + Sumo, and got 10,705 email subscribers in two weeks. Giveaways have helped grow Noah Kagan’s email list by 52,213 email subscribers over the past couple of years.